Brands are not just the Logo or Colour or Product or even the Co reputation

We all know about the famous parable of 6 blind men narrating their interpretations about an elephant! People who failed to see the complete elephant gave their descriptions or should we say only partial interpretations of the huge animal. We all know how far each of them was, from the real truth. Too often this is a common struggle in company boardrooms, where the various stakeholders put forward their valuable opinions about the ‘Brand’ in question. They get vocal about what the Brand should be or represent or shouldn’t at all. That may include the design, colour scheme, shape, size or anything for that matter. The bitter truth is that most times none would be correct. The real answer may actually lie elsewhere. A brand does not live in a product or a packaging. Brand lives in people’s lives. They way they use it, live with it or become anxious in the absence of it. Brands define people, their behavior or even their relationships. Sweet memories or bitter experienc...