What Challenges Brands face every day?

Brands are fighters in the market. They fight for their Position and for their Market Share. They operate in a market place that is not just volatile but aggressive too, in every possible way. The question to ponder for us is, why does that happens? Most marketers think that once a brand is launched and placed in the market they should automatically find some buyers. But in reality such expectations get seldom converted into reality and buyers are far and few in-between. A great no of marketers or should I say product sellers (?) possibly assume that the market in India for most products are large and they constitute of those who are dissatisfied with their current product/brand usages. While that may be a good assumption to make but that may not be true in reality in most cases. Brands are a habit and an attitude and the existing brands would have fought hard to build their own relationships with their current users. So what would make the consumers look at or consider...